
How does weather affect our life?

We are used to concerning everyday’s weather, but few of us really matter what role the weather plays in our life.

We all know that the weather has played a rather important role in our life. In the past, our ancients’ lives were strongly affected by the weather for the agricultural activities and transportation was under the control of it. As time went by, the agriculture became industrialized and traffic systems were modernized. It seemed as if people can be less dependent on the weather. But the fact is the weather still has great impact on every aspect of our daily life. Serious disasters happen as before here and there, as in cases of hurricanes and mud and rock slides, heavy floods, etc. Some people threaten that the weather get worse and our human beings will become extinct in the near future.
On another aspect, weather influences on people’s feelings is still the same as it do in the past. In our point of view, a day without rain is defined as fine weather, while the rainy day is a little stressful. To most people, when the weather get bad they will feel unhappy. It is not yet known how the effect comes about, but there’s a thing for sure is that the influence of weather on people’s psychological condition will continue, though the combination of weather and man is not definitely clear.

There’s an interesting discovery that people often choose to do different activities in different weather. In most situations, people would stay indoors during rainfall. But this is not always so. A heavy rain means a harvest for a fisherman, for it’s a time for fishes to emerge to surface for air. Also, different people have different attitudes towards weather. The people in flood areas would regard the rain as a troublesome thing, while people in draught areas are thirsty for rain.
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