
Is America a Secular Country or a Religion Country?

I think it is not easy to distinguish that America is a secular country or a religion country. The two reasons of my viewpoint are listed below. Many shops apply some useful ideas for you to choose.

First, America religion is very complex. America history is so short, and it is only 224 years from the America independence declaration till now. The America people come from different nations and believe different religions, so it cannot form a complete independent nation. At the same time, people are religious free. Everyone has a right to choose their own opinion and religion. If you don't want to believe a religion, other people would not try to push religion on you. However, the United States has become the world's most diverse religion society, especially during the last three hangbags. The immigrants of the last three decades have expanded the diversity to America, they have come from Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, and Korea; Hindus from India, East Africa, and Trinidad; Muslims from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Middle East, and Nigeria; Sikhs and Janis from India; and Zoroastrians from both India and Iran. Immigrants from Haiti and Cuba have brought Afro-Caribbean traditions, blending both African and Catholic symbols and images. The new era of immigration is different from previous eras, not only in magnitude and complexity but also in its very dynamics.
Second, America religion is independent to political conviction. Despite America is a highly religious country, nearly every religion in the world has adherents or organized institutions in the United States. American religious institutions are large, powerful and influential in social and political life. But every religion can coexist peacefully in greatest degree: no one religion can decide the political orientation and no people can make the religious issue a political order. That means religion is independent to political conviction, the political conviction is made according to law, not according to religion.
Therefore, we can come to a simple conclusion that America is a religion country from religious belief; America is a secular country from political conviction.

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