
Interesting Things about Lucky Day

I’m not always lucky. Well, I’m always unlucky. I have never picked up anything or even a cent on the street; I have never won anything in lottery but a “Thank you for the participation”; and I have never got anything good out of my expectation. If there is anything doomed to happen, my unluckiness must be among the destiny.

I lost my father when I was still a kid, who even hasn’t got any ideas about what the heaven really means for man. My mother had just got pregnant when my father took the never-come-back trip. The following years were not that bad for I had a great mom and a lovely little brother. The only problem we were always upset at was how long it would be before we can make ends meet and have a big dinner every weekend. For you, this may be not a big deal, but for us, it means not only meals.
One day, when I was doing deliveries, I found something shining in a meadow. I picked it up and found that it was a ring! I guessed someone must have been looking for it, so I left a note with my phone number on it near that place. When I just got everything done, a car stopped and there came out a gentleman. He walked toward me and caught sight of my note. “I have just lost a diamond ring. It means more than just a ring.” He said sincerely. I took out the ring and returned it to his owner.
Later, he invited me to dinner and we had a very pleasant conversation. He offered me a position in his company for my honesty when I said I was looking for a job. Now, three years later, I’m one of his mangers in charge of HR.

Since John has been engaged in playing free online games for 10 years old, John has his clan. Playsnail is his team. If you want to play Ministry of War Servers, you can add to our team.

