
Ecological Health Is the Base of Human Development

The key point of sustainable development is the sustainability, which guarantees human beings to live on. Therefore, the harmony between human and environment is the fundamental developing mode. Ecological system is a life-support system. Once it is disturbed, all creatures (including human) cannot survive. Sustainable use of natural resources is the precondition of sustainable development. That is why resource conservation means so much. It requests control in explosion and application of non-renewable resources. The pace of explosion should be limited within its recycling. Full utilization of resources is the key in settling this problem.

The traditional production process is “raw materials- production- waste”. The only important pursuit is production. All wastes are abandoned as emissions into nature. But in ecological mode, the wastes could be reutilized as raw materials in another production process. This is called closed-loop systems, which is good for both resource conservation and environmental protection.
Furthermore, we should count environmental protection as an interior element of economic mechanism. In this respect, firstly, we should pay more attention to relative efficiency of social energy, and regard it as one of major economic standards. Profit estimate should include energy consumption. Secondly, natural value should be an inseparable part of economic value, constituting an “economy- ecology value” entity. In production, raw value of resources should be important references in production costs. The rarer the raw material is, the more precious and valuable the production will be. And the price and costs would rise as the declination of resource storage. This mode would effectively restrain wastes in non-renewable resources. Thirdly, environmental protection should also be involved in. We need to be aware that a clean, beautiful environment itself is valuable. On the contrary, all damages to ecology would be negative in value, and be economically punished. Take motor car production as an example, the costs should consist of natural value, raw material value, labor value and also the negative values of environmental pollution during production, utilization, and traffic accident. And this would be shared by producers and consumers. It limits environmental pollution to a great extent.

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