
Fun Things about Birthday Party

Today is Mei-Li's birthday-February 12th. She got up at 6:00 or something in the morning, much earlier than usual.  I guess she must be too excited about the biggest birthday party she's ever had. At about 12:30pm, Todd drove Mei-Li, Yun, Mariana and I to their church in Lynnfield. More than 20 kids came there and celebrated together with us. 

The party actually started at 2:30pm, we got there one hour earlier because we needed to do some preparation. We first blew the red and white balloons, then tied one red with one white, push pined to the wall together with some "read hearts" of two different sizes. Todd tied some very beautiful streamers at the front part of the room.  
"Are you going to stay or leave?" We asked every child's parents, then decided which color we should use for their name tags. The red ones represent the kids without parents being with them during the whole birthday celebration, and we need to keep an eye on them to make sure they are OK. 
Pinata in Chinese, Which is the most popular activity in Mexico people would like to do at their birthday parties. You can make pinata into any shapes they like, such as donkey, fish, bird, and put various candies inside, waiting to be beat. Today, we had the hedgehog-shaped one, Simeen and Mei-Li made it out of six layers of newspapers, stuck by paste.  Todd strung up the piñata and all the kids were lined up, taking turns to beat it with the stick. Of course, they should be blindfolded before bashing. Every one has a three time opportunity. I was so worried about the poor hedgehog at the very beginning because it seemed very fragile. What if the first few kids can break it down, then the rest wouldn't get a chance to enjoy the beating? The truth is everyone got their chance before the hedgehog turned into small pieces. Finally, all the kids centered around the broken hedgehog to grab the candies. 
What surprised me is when all the candies went into kids' bags, Semen asked these who had the fewest to stand out in front of others. Then she let them lift up their candy bags, and said to every other kids, "look at these poor bags, only one or two candy, would those who got more like to give some to them and share?" All the kids bent their heads to check their candy bags, some came up to the front and volunteered to help. What an instructional lesson-learn while play. So cool!
When the party came to an end, it was almost 4:00pm. Todd took us home. It's on our way back when we got to know the word-Pinata. Although I first heard this activity in Anne's English conversation class in Lynn, I was never able to get to know this so deeply, by watching it on person, besides, on a birthday party. 
Just want to say Happy Birthday to Mei-Li Hannig again here! Wish she can go back to China someday and will enjoy Chinese culture. Note: Mei-Li was adopted by her parents from Hunan Province in China when she was nine months old. She is very clever and independent.
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